A Blog by Paul B. Silverman

Helping Entrepreneurs Understand Today's Emerging Opportunities and Plan, Finance, Launch, Manage and Grow New Ventures

Message for Young Entrepreneurs

Here are words of wisdom I often share with young entrepreneurs. I used this in the intro in a recent book for young entrepreneurs:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the wind in the sails. Explore, Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

Young adults recognize the entrepreneurial opportunity. In a 2017 Gallup/Operation Hope report measuring student attitudes about entrepreneurship, here are some key findings:

  • Nationally, about four in 10 students (41%) agree they plan to start their own business, but the percentage of schools offering classes in how to start and run a business has decreased since 2011 — from 50% to 43%.
  • Half of students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds agree that they plan to start their own business, compared with 35% of students from high socioeconomic backgrounds. However, students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds will potentially face more obstacles — such as a lack of social or financial capital or other resources — than their peers from high socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • “Our index shows students remain optimistic but lack the financial literacy to compete globally with other students. This is bad news for America,” said John Hope Bryant, founder, chairman and CEO of Operation HOPE. “We need to prioritize the economic engagement of today’s youth and promote financial literacy, financial dignity and entrepreneurship in underserved communities.”
  • Gallup Chairman and CEO Jim Clifton noted, “There are some promising signs, however. About 40% of students want to start a business or invent something that will change the world. The problem is, only 5% of these students are in internships in companies or organizations. This is arguably the single biggest failure of our leadership. Not Washington’s, not the public schools’ — but yours and mine.”

Check out my comments on a Washington Post article Teaching High School Students Entrepreneurship Drives Jobs And Economic Growth in October 2011- progress has been made but much more can be done (https://paulbsilverman.com/2011/10/25/teaching-high-school-students-entrepreneurship-drives-jobs-and-economic-growth/)

Young entrepreneurs fuel today’s entrepreneurial revolution. We have some challenges but their opportunity outlook is positive, exciting and unbounded- that is my message. 

Best to all and stay safe.


Using Systems and Analytics To Beat Covid- Italy’s Experience

Using Systems and Analytics To Beat Covid- Italy’s ExperienceLessons to be learned here. Data and science based decision rules drive the process. Well defined, standardized systems communicated to all. No one ‘makes it up’ as you go along- you stay with the plan and modify as needed. Management discipline, analytics coupled with a cohesive reporting and execution, solid management- that is a winning formula. The numbers and results in Italy speak for themselves.

Is this a surprise? Not to any senior management executive who has managed major programs, launched new ventures or addressed critical business issues and understands management analytics and how they are used. No question we are in tough challenging times, but there are proven ways to win here and the Italy experience provides one blueprint on how it can be done. Let’s get moving,, all working in the same direction, save lives and get back to normal. Too much tine and too many lives lost which could have been avoided.


Paul B. Silverman

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New Book Released Today Targets Young Adults, Creating the Next Generation of Young Adult Entrepreneurs

I am pleased to announce a new book released today ‘Freddie and Billie’s New Business Adventure’, first book in a new Doc Larsen Business Adventure Series.

The new book and series contribute to helping create the next generation of young adult entrepreneurs which I consider critically important. I appreciated the initial positive  reviews . New book draws on teaching entrepreneurship/ management at 3 universities since 2002 and my four decades of corporate and new venture development and management.

Here is copy of today’s press release:

RESTON, Va., June 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Freddie and Billie’s New Business Adventure by Paul B. Silverman is the first book in the Doc Larsen Business Adventure Series™ providing young adults with new skills helping them plan, launch and manage a new business venture.

Print and Kindle Editions

Doc Larsen Business Adventure SeriesTM

  • Teach young adults to fish and they eat.
  • Teach young adults entrepreneurship and they think about business, understand how it works, how you evaluate ideas and shape ideas into business opportunities.
  • Entrepreneurship empowers young adults with a head start – thinking ‘out of the box’, testing traditional ways of thinking, translating physical actions into models to drill-down on potential opportunities.
  • Entrepreneurship empowers young adults with a competitive edge entering the job market regardless of what career path they pursue. Entrepreneurship teaches students critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, teamwork, ethics, social responsibility and how to plan, develop, launch and manage a new business.

Young readers are introduced to the Business In A Box™ planning system with seven integrated models, developed by the author introducing young adults to entrepreneurship and providing a strong foundation on how to create a successful new venture. The ‘Business In A Box™‘ seven model approach is a powerful system, simple to plan, launch and manage new ventures. Easy to explain, the models fit together offering a simplified streamlined process and a powerful tool helping young adult entrepreneurs develop a new venture plan.

Using conversations and story-telling techniques, a light entertaining, highly readable, jargon-free style, not academic lectures, to develop a real business plan ensures Freddie and Billie’s ‘learn by doing’ experience and journey is well received by young adult readers.

The number of unemployed young adults (16 to 19 years) jumped from 12 million in March to 29 million in June. Given need to help address this challenge the new book was released today in the US and internationally on Amazon (print and Kindle). Distribution via bookstores, educational institutions and libraries, and promotional tour delayed until Fall 2020.

You can read the complete press release at Press Release PR Newswire

My view is we can do more to promote entrepreneurship, including innovative regional and possibly national programs building upon many excellent resources now in place. The new book and the creation of the Doc Larsen Business Adventure SeriesTM is my contribution as an initial step. Today’s entrepreneurial revolution is creating new alternatives to spur innovation and business development and will be discussing ideas we can pursue in coming months.

Creating the next generation of young adult entrepreneurs is an ambitious tasks and I invite all to do what you can to support this objective, or as Doc Larsen says, ‘Pay it Forward’ to our next generation of youbg adult entrepreneurs.

Comments always welcomed

Paul B. Silverman

For more information, refer to the book website at https://paulbsilverman.com/books/freddie-billies-new-business-adventure/  or Amazon Print and Kindle


Entrepreneurship. TV Interview. Nov 30th

Entrepreneurs need Untitled design(2)to  learn new traditional management skills to improve their ability to both attract funding and succeed. That is the message I delivered in a local TV interview discussing #entrepreneurship in Northern Virginia. The region is now called “Silicon Valley East” based on the surge of entrepreneurial ventures in the area.  Read More

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Forbes-Roundup Analytics,Big Data,BI, IOT

IOTExcellent article in Forbes on big data, analytics, and business intelligence. You can see my comments (top comments section)  and the Forbes article at Read More

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More Mobile Devices Than People-IOT?

Interesting article in AssetDNA.com “Is Business Ready for the ‘Internet of Assets’?”

Here is a link to the AssetDNA.com article

Article quotes Digital analyst GSMA Intelligence that “… there are now more than 7.28 billion active mobile connections globally compared to 7.20 billion humans as per the US Census Bureau’s world population clock. What is more, these gadgets are multiplying 5 times faster than we are.” Read More

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Surge Rate of Hispanic Entrepreneurship

Hispanic Entrepreneurs Are Beating Expectations and Bolstering the U.S. Economy

This point obviously seems to be missed in our current political debate. And the conclusions here are driven by numbers and data, not rhetoric. Hispanic entrepreneurship helps drive our economic growth. Read More

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Global Logistics Report:IOT /Analytics Impact

cargo shipsExcellent global logistics report by Colliers – check out last several sections on “Last Mile Innovations” in U.S., Europe, EMEA, and Asia Pacific

Further reinforces the outlook I and many others share – significant opportunity ahead for innovative integrated analytics and IOT applications that change business processes to lower costs, increase revenue, and improve strategic position. Read More

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Comments on Educational Gaming Article

Posted comments today on interesting article on “The Psychology Behind Why Gaming Helps Students Learn” in K-12 Tech Decisions. Article focused on how educational gaming helps students learn and provides good insights for using educational gaming for management training as I noted in my comments. My comments also noted that educational gaming is a high potential growth market Read More

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Seeking Healthcare Analytics Ventures

4I am working with a New York City-based colleague and several major investors seeking investment opportunities in the healthcare analytics sector. Any level of investment will be considered.

If you have any questions or want to discuss a specific opportunity, drop me a note or give me a call. Thanks.

Paul B. Silverman


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