
Freddie and Billie’s New Business Adventure

Two Teenagers’ Journey Creating a New Venture

Press Release   PR Newswire    June 17, 2020

Media Kit    


8 Building Blocks To Launch, Manage, And Grow A Successful Business

News | Reviews|Media Kit|Author Q & A|

Press Releases:

Press Release – July 2, 2015- New Book: 8 Building Blocks To Launch, Manage, And Grow A Successful Business     HALF OF ALL BUSINESSES FAIL WITHIN FIVE YEARS New book offers solutions for success   (8 BUILDING BLOCKS TO LAUNCH, MANAGE, AND GROW A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS) ;  GEMINI BUSINESS PRESS, RESTON, VA – See more at Press Release July 2, 2015 – 8 Building Blocks Released

Press Release – July 15, 2015  Announcing Availability on Amazon – New Book: 8 Building Blocks To Launch, Manage, And Grow A Successful Business Now Available On Amazon. Half of all new businesses fail within five years. SBA statistics show what drives all business failures: Management Competence (46%), Lack of Managerial Experience (30%), and Lack of Market Sector Experience (11%)  New book offers solutions for success   See more at Press Release- july 15, 2015 – 8 Building Blocks on Amazon


Invitation for Book Reviews and Author Interview for 8 Building Blocks ToLaunch, Manage, And Grow A Successful Business  (July 29, 2015).     The enclosed materials provide journalists with information to support a book review and author interview  See   072915 Reviewer Invite Letter 8 Building Blocks




 Worm On A Chopstick: Understanding Today’s Entrepreneurial Age: Directions, Strategies, Management Perspectives

News | Reviews|Media Kit|Author Q & A|

 062915 Author Photo- Paul B Silverman


Press Release  September 6, 2011

Radio Interview on The Rita Cosby Show- September 8, 2011 – Paul B. Silverman invited to offer recommendations for President Obama prior to the President’s address on strategies to create jobs and improve the economy – interview starts at minute 19:00.

TV Interview Interviewed on weekly Inside Scoop Virginia Business Show November 21, 2011- nationally syndicated cable channel with live web streaming- check out copy of broadcast now available at .One hour program  reviewed entrepreneurial strategies, perspectives for entrepreneurs,  and new entrepreneurial programs I have proposed to support job creation and economic growth. Good discussion with strong feedback.




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