10 Steps To Create A POWERFUL One Page (2 Sided) Business Plan


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Creating a defensible one page business plan for investors is challenging for most entrepreneurs. The book provides a 10 step plan to create a one page business plan that will improve the company's ability to secure funding and reinforce management credibility.

Creating a defensible one page business plan for investors is challenging for most entrepreneurs. The book provides a 10 step plan to create a one page business plan that will improve the company’s ability to secure funding and reinforce management credibility.


RELEASE DATE  April , 2020


Creating a defensible one page business plan for investors is challenging for most entrepreneurs. The book provides a 10 step plan to create a one page business plan that will improve the company's ability to secure funding and reinforce management credibility.

Creating a defensible one page business plan for investors is challenging for most entrepreneurs. The book provides a 10 step plan to create a one page business plan that will improve the company’s ability to secure funding and reinforce management credibility.

10 Steps To Create A Powerful One Page (2 Sided) Business Plan

The Challenge of Writing A Short Summary

“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”

Many may recognize the above quotation from Mark Twain which makes a point most can relate to.

It is easier to write a longer document then to edit and reduce the number of words to create a short summary. To know what to delete, what to add, how to best summarize the facts is tough work and takes time. And that is the point of the Mark Twain


Creating a One-Page Business Plan- The Challenge for Entrepreneurs

You developed a business plan and are seeking new investment. See if these responses from potential investors sound familiar:

“Send me a one page summary of your business plan- I see many plans and don’t have time to read business plans …”



“Your one page business plan will provide me with all I need to know to decide whether I may be interested in possibly funding your company- I don’t have time to read business plans …”

There are many guides, books, and sample one page business plan templates available that will help you respond to the above and develop a one page business plan summary.

A review of these shows most use a “fill in the blanks” approach and cover the key points- summary of your business, business model, competition, your mission, objectives, strategies, financials, management, and so on.

I have reviewed hundreds of one page summaries, developed many, and have three problems with the above approach:


  1. A “fill in the blanks” approach does not enable you to emphasize and fully build a case for your business.
  2. The typical one page format is simple for investors to quickly skim and make a Yes/No/Maybe decision when scanning hundreds of one page summaries. But this simplicity impacts your ability to share and defend what differentiates your business and how you will create value.

3.     This short circuits the creative process in developing your business, and is the same reason I have problems with “fill in the blanks” business plan templates. It is seductive to complete a form, enter your data, and create a one page business plan summary. But this is not the recommended way to develop defensible business plans.


A New Approach- 10 Steps To Create a POWERFUL One-Page (2 Sided) Business Plan

Working with many early stage companies, I have fine-tuned a new approach to attract potential investors.

10 Steps To Create a POWERFUL One-Page (2 Sided) Business Plan provides a step-by- step approach to develop a One Page (2 Sided) Business Plan that will help you differentiate your business from others, reinforce your management capabilities, and send a positive signal to investors.

10 Steps To Create a POWERFUL One-Page (2 Sided) Business Plan enables you to move quickly from a blank page to creating a POWERFUL one page (2 sided) business plan.

The book uses Worldwide Widget Corporation’s HealthAnalyzer Product to show how the process works. The result is to create a POWERFUL one page (2 sided) business plan for the new HealthAnalyzer product.

Worldwide Widget Corporation is a fictitious company I developed and use to reinforce business management tools and processes, such as creating a POWERFUL One Page (2 sided) Business Plan in 10 steps. Worldwide Widget Corporation, the HealthAnalyzer product, and others are also used often in 8 Building Blocks To Launch, Manage, And Grow A Successful Business to show how to use key business management tools to reinforce management credibility and improve ability to attract funding.

10 Steps To Create a POWERFUL One-Page (2 Sided) Business Plan will help you go from a blank page to a POWERFUL One Page (2 Sided) Business Plan in 10 steps. Satisfaction Guaranteed Always.



10steplan_copy(15)10 Steps To Create A POWERFUL, One Page (2 Sided) Business Plan

Provides entrepreneurs with a winning formula developed and used by the author to create POWERFUL One Page Business Plans. The book is another contribution by the author to help entrepreneurs improve management skills, attract funding, and grow their business.




                     RELEASE DATE April, 2020





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