

Today’s Entrepreneurial Tsunami

Reshapes Markets, Drives Innovation,

Fuels Progress…And Creates Both

Challenges and Opportunities for


I use this observation in articles and interviews to reinforce three points:

     — Entrepreneurial companies drive our nation’s growth

1Government statistics show that companies with less than 500 employees have generated about two thirds (64 percent) of all new jobs created during the past 15 years.

     — Entrepreneurial companies spur innovationjigsaw piece

Innovation drives growth providing investors with outstanding value creation opportunities. And studies show entrepreneurial companies with less than 500 employees drive innovation in the United States.

     — Today’s entrepreneurial tsunami creates outstanding opportunities, but succeeding is tougher than ever before

Markets, technologies, business processes are changing, and at lightning speed. If you think you have an established market, technology, or competitive position, be ready to change  strategy, adapt your perspective, and embrace change. And change creates opportunitie

holding arrow

s for value creation. But you need more than yesterday’s skills to survive and thrive in today’s entrepreneurial arena.

Summary- The Challenges For Today’s Entrepreneurs

Today’s emerging companies are pushing the boundaries, using creative new business models, disrupting traditional markets, and creating shareholder value.2

Today’s traditional companies with traditional thinking are challenged and holding on to survive. Given the unknowns and risk, all struggle with the same questions:

      — What is happening?

     — Where are we heading?

     — What business model and strategy should we pursue to        

          create shareholder value?

 So How Do Entrepreneurs Meet Today’s Challenges and Improve Their Ability To Succeed?

Luck not strategy   Your objective is to create sustained revenue and earnings growth and capture market share in new markets- that is a typical success objective.

My experience suggests you need a two-pronged approach to win:

First, you blend both entrepreneurial and traditional management thinking. You create a balanced corporate strategy and management team. That is a winning formula for successful entrepreneurs.

To say this another way, ” The traditional laws of management for new ventures in high growth markets are not repealed for entrepreneurs.”

Secondly, given today’s rate of change and complexity, yesterday’s start your own business skills are just not good enough, and do not provide the entrepreneurial management skills needed to create a sustainable, scalable business.

on table pointingMy commitment is to help both entrepreneurs and emerging entrepreneurs create strategies and insights to develop, launch, manage, and successfully grow new ventures.

I use several channels to share information:


“8 Building Blocks to Launch, Manage, and Grow a Successful Business” was released on June 30th with positive reviews. The new book provides the foundation for Entrepreneurial Management 2.0, a new entrepreneurial management discipline I developed to help you analyze today’s turbulent business environment, develop winning strategies, succeed, and create value. Helping you be what I call a Survivor entrepreneur is why this book is written.

The new book meets the requests from readers and colleagues to develop a prescriptive “how-to” book for entrepreneurs, providing tips, tools, and insights based on my experiences.

For more book details, reviews, excerpts, and ordering information, see   Books- 8 Building Blocks


Worm on a Chopstick: Understanding Today’s Entrepreneurial Age: Directions, Strategies, Management Perspectives (“Chopstick”) was released in May 2011 with positive reviews. The first of a planned three book series, the book recommended new strategies for entrepreneurs to succeed given today’s dynamic technology, and market changes. For more book details, reviews, excerpts, and ordering information, see   Books- Worm On A Chopstick 

In December 2011, Directors & Boards magazine selected Chopstick as one of eight books suggested as recommended reading for company officers and directors (see Directors & Boards – Worm On A Chopstick) .


You will see announcements on other books in coming weeks dealing with topics such as crowdfunding and Regulation A+ offerings which will create exciting new opportunities for entrepreneurs. Stay tuned.


My focus is on new venture development and I am addressing topics that w3ill play a key role in today’s entrepreneurial tsunami. These include business models, business planning, entrepreneurial strategy development, venture financing, among others.

Topics also include markets and technologies which I also track such as healthcare, cybersecurity, analytics, Internet of Things (IOT), and others. I suggest look over the posts on my blog and you will get the idea. Expect to see blog posts ramping up in coming weeks- you can track these by Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook. And your comments and feedback are encouraged and always welcomed. Review The Global Entrepreneurship Forum blog at Blog Paul B. Silverman.

  ***Entrepreneurship Today! E-Mail Updates

The new Entrepreneurship Today! email updates will provide information on new venture developments, blog posts, upcoming interviews with leading entrepreneurs, guest posts by investors and entrepreneurs, and review Entrepreneurial Management 2.0 techniques to help you develop new management skills, improve your ability to attract financing, and be what I call a Survivor entrepreneur. Sign-up is easy and free and your e-mail address will not be shared. For more info and sign-up see Sign-up For Entrepreneurship Today!

 What’s Coming:

4In coming months, expect to see me sharing my perspectives in presentations and interviews on today’s new venture opportunities and challenges, Entrepreneurlal Management 2.0 perspectives to help entrepreneurs, and new venture financing directions. I am also establishing a new venture development and investment venture firm to help entrepreneurs create public companies which you will be hearing more about later this year.

Summarizing, my commitment is help entrepreneurs create strategies and insights that will make a difference, enable them to succeed, and increase the number of what I call Survivor entrepreneurs.My vision here is driven by more than four decades of senior global corporate management experience, management consulting working with leading global firms, serving as CEO/founder of both public and private companies, and teaching entrepreneurship, strategy management and other business courses at three leading universities since 2002. You can see my full bio at Bio- Paul B. Silverman.

I have had my share of both successes and failures (or “learning experiences” as both Thomas Edison and I like to call them), and learned a bit along the way.

Thanks for visiting the website. I look forward to sharing the journey with you- let’s get started!

 Welcome aboard!


Paul B. Silverman

Words of Wisdom …


The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we achieve it.

About The Author

Paul B. Silverman’s vision is driven by more than four decades senior global corporate management experience, management consulting working with leading global firms, and serving as CEO/founder of both public and private companies.

The author has held senior management positions with RCA, GTE, Xerox and IBM (SBS). He has also served in senior global management consulting positions with Coopers & Lybrand, Booz Allen and Hamilton, and James Martin Strategy, an Amsterdam-based management consulting firm, where he served as CEO for North America. He currently serves as Managing Partner at the Gemini Business Group, LLC, a global new venture development consultancy firm.

Mr. Silverman has also contributed to the education sector since 2002, currently serving as Adjunct Professor in the R.H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, and formerly in the School of Management at George Mason University and the Kogod School of Business at American University, and has taught undergraduate and MBA courses in entrepreneurship, strategy management, international, and other business courses since 2002.

The Worm on a Chopstick series and other books draw upon the author’s global experience to help entrepreneurs understand how to develop, launch, manage, and successfully grow new ventures.

The author has conducted hundreds of presentations worldwide and published numerous articles addressing strategy, policy, entrepreneurship, and new business development issues. The author holds a BS in Physics from CCNY and an MS in Management from Polytechnic University of NY, and resides in the Washington, D.C. area.



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