Internet of Things

Entrepreneurship. TV Interview. Nov 30th

Entrepreneurs need Untitled design(2)to  learn new traditional management skills to improve their ability to both attract funding and succeed. That is the message I delivered in a local TV interview discussing #entrepreneurship in Northern Virginia. The region is now called “Silicon Valley East” based on the surge of entrepreneurial ventures in the area.  Read More

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Forbes-Roundup Analytics,Big Data,BI, IOT

IOTExcellent article in Forbes on big data, analytics, and business intelligence. You can see my comments (top comments section)  and the Forbes article at Read More

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More Mobile Devices Than People-IOT?

Interesting article in “Is Business Ready for the ‘Internet of Assets’?”

Here is a link to the article

Article quotes Digital analyst GSMA Intelligence that “… there are now more than 7.28 billion active mobile connections globally compared to 7.20 billion humans as per the US Census Bureau’s world population clock. What is more, these gadgets are multiplying 5 times faster than we are.” Read More

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