start your own business

Promoting Young Adult Entrepreneurship in High Schools With Partners

Pleased to announce first book in the Doc Larsen Business Adventure SeriesTM,  Freddie and Billie’s New Business Adventure, will be available in bookstores, libraries and institutions in early 2021. Delayed due to COVID-19.

Many efforts are  in-progress to promote ‘financial literacy’ among high school students (e.g., balance checkbooks, budgets, how credit works, etc.)- these provide real benefits.

But a Gallup study shows 40 percent of students are interested in exploring how to start a new business. My objective is to create ‘entrepreneurial literacy’ motivating and educating young adults to explore entrepreneurship. We can do much more in this area which provides significant benefits to students, families and regional economic development. In my view this needs a local, regional and national effort

And a key target includes minority and particularly women entrepreneurs who statistics show are growing new businesses 1.5 times the national average of all U.S. businesses.

I am creating the program and reaching out to partners who share my vision- brokerage and banking firms are ideal ‘win-win’ partners gaining access to a next generation of young entrepreneurs.

I am also fine-tuning my message to young entrepreneurs – take a look at what teens read when they click on the ad below which is now posted.

Check out :

This is a ‘…takes a village effort’. If you are interested in playing a role in my efforts or have comments drop me a note at

All the best and stay safe,


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Forbes 2015: Millennials Want To Be Entrepreneurs, So Why Aren’t They Starting Businesses?

I am reviewing all my blog posts and other materials for a new book on how smart cities will accelerate disruptive innovation, create exciting new investment opportunities and reshape today’s entrepreneurial revolution. I found a 2015 Forbes article  Millennials Want To Be Entrepreneurs, So Why Aren’t They Starting Businesses? and my posted comments. Five years old but most still applies today- thought you may find helpful.

 Stay safe.  All the best,


Posted comments at

Direct link to Forbes article:

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