How To Build The Perfect Sandcastle- Tips From Italian Architect

Good tip for summer vacation time – check out famous Italian architect’s tips for building the perfect sandcastle … analysis, planning, design, execution, observe, evaluate, make adjustments- sounds like what #entrepreneurs do when launching a new #venture. And many do not have much more than sand to work with when they start

Check out

Enjoy your summer vacation ..

Paul B. Silverman

Illustration of sandcastle building by Son of Alan

Paul B. Silverman writes about entrepreneurship, healthcare, analytics, and strategy management and serves as Advisor, Speaker, Educator, and Managing Partner of the Gemini Business Group, LLC, a new venture development firm, and author of “8 Building Blocks To Launch, Manage, And Grow A Successful Business.” He also serves as Adjunct Professor in the School of Business at George Mason University. See more at Paul B. Silverman Blog and sign up for Entrepreneurship Today! email updates to track latest new venture developments.

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